Photo Credit: Chris Ensey
Kind Words About the MBATT & MBRC Training
“The MBATT certification training surpassed my expectations. As a therapist who is a life long learner, and, like many of my colleagues, has several certifications, I was blown away by this program! The MBATT cert. is a beautiful tool in my clinical tool box that weaves in perfectly with my CSAT and CPTT certifications, and my EMDR training. I loved this training so much, that I went on to become a TMAATT consulting supervisor and MBATT trainer for Level I. Well done Darrin Ford, thank you for bringing this much needed modality into the world to help hurting people heal. I am grateful.”
www. thecounselorscoach.com
“I was honored to complete level I of the MBATT training this weekend. I believe life provides us with some “AHA” moments, and learning to be fully present with my emotions without judgement was one of those for me this weekend. This will help me in my clinical role and my personal relationship with myself and others. As I continue to reflect on the MBATT training, I have noticed I am filled with immense gratitude. I have so much gratitude for Darrin Ford and the creation of this amazing program. I had the privilege of being taught by Darrin and Mari Lee. Each facilitator brought their knowledge, experience and compassion in providing us the highest quality of training. I am so thankful to be part of this incredible opportunity to learn how to begin incorporating mindfulness based treatment strategies with my clients and in my own life. I am honored to learn from Darrin and Mari and be part of this experience as a MBATT scholar. I look forward to my journey to MBATT certification, and being present in every moment.”
Angela Hayes, MS, LPD, NCC, CPTT, MBATT, IFS Informed
“The MBATT training with Darin, Mari, and Josie has definitely shifted the way I operate as a therapist and the way I conceptualize the clients I am working with. Invaluable training and looking forward to being MBATT certified.”
Nicole Aiken, LPC, Relational Connection - LVL I
“This was an amazing training, a beautiful melding of the most current brain/addiction science with the most current mindfulness science. The presentations were clearly stated and kept my attention. thanks so much.”
MJ Mueller, Healing CHoices - Lvl I
“This training enhanced the skills clinicians need to create a safer place for their clients to do the trauma work.”
Carol Sheets,LCSW, CSAT, CCPS, PPC, Strategic Coaching and Counseling - Lvl I
“I so enjoyed this wonderful and enlightening training. I'm looking forward to learning more!”
Nan Tilbury, LPC, Relational Connection, LLC - LVL I
“Enjoyed the training and gained some useful nuggets of wisdom for my work.”
Matt Gullet, LMHC, CSAT, CPTT, Gullett Counseling & Integrative Therapies Group - LVL I
“Excellent training. Very practical, and backed with research information!”
Brad Jones, ASW, MindfuL Centers - LVL I
“The mindfulness addiction and trauma training is thoughtful, thorough, and top notch. This program and training not only prepares clinicians to support their client's with a mindfulness based approach to treating addiction and trauma, it also encourages the practitioners to maintain or develop their own mindfulness practice.”
Elizabeth Poth, LPC, Odonata Wellness Center, LLC - LVL I
“Level One was an incredibly valuable experience both professionally and personally. Darrin and Mari are first-rate instructors who balanced didactic and experiential teaching styles expertly. Highly recommend this training for any and all MHP’s!”
Bill Bercaw, Licensed clinical psychologist - Lvl I
California Center for Healing
“If you are interested in learning the ins and outs of mindfulness for working with your clients and yourself - this is the place to be! A truly enriching experience!”
Ginger Bercaw, Licensed Clinical Psychologist - LVL I
California Center for Healing
“This was a delightful weekend of instruction. Thank you for your presence with us as we learned.”
Diana Eul, LPC, NCC, CSAT, CPTT - Lvl I
Alpha Omega Delta Counseling and Wellness
“Finishing out the MBATT Level III training, Darrin Ford and his team were thoughtful and thorough with the content that was delivered. I am looking forward to supporting my clients with solid evidenced based tools that work.”
Elizabeth Poth - LVL III
Odonata Wellness Center, LLC
“I really appreciated how the training emphasized mindfulness in practice as central to recovery and trauma work. It has already made a tangible difference in my work with clients!”
Gabriel Lee
New Pattern Counseling
“Mindfulness training is a perfect compliment to our Internal Family Systems informed approach to long-term sobriety! A worthy investment if ever there was one!”
Rhys Pasimio
New Pattern Counseling LLC
If you would like to learn more about the MBATT & MBRC Training Certifications you may do so here.