
Click here for MBATT & MBRC Registration

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The Mindfulness Academy for Addiction & Trauma Training

A Mindful Approach to Addiction & Trauma Treatment


Welcome to TMAATT…

The Mindfulness Academy of Trauma and Addiction training certification program is a highly researched and respected modality that teaches mental health professionals specific interventions in supporting their clients in achieving long term recovery from problematic sexual behaviors, compulsive pornography use, multiple addictions, betrayal trauma and complex trauma. The MBATT and MBRC training is far more than simply teaching clients to meditate. While cognitive behavioral therapy can be helpful at the start of recovery, we now understand that treating addiction, betrayal trauma and complex trauma requires an approach that includes polyvagal and mindfulness based support. As you move through the training, you will learn specific tools, methodology, worksheets and materials that you can start incorporating in your client treatment planning right away. Our experienced faculty members provide in depth, researched based, experiential, step-by-step classes to support the TMAATT Scholar through each level of the certification process. You can read what other professionals have shared about the training here.

Are you a therapist, mental health or coaching professional and find yourself challenged in supporting your clients in the following areas?:

  • Creating effective relapse prevention interventions that actually work

  • Helping sexually compulsive clients maintain long term recovery vs. a roller coaster of slips

  • Teaching the addict specific mindfulness based tools to support nervous system regulation

  • Educating the addict and partner in understanding the importance of presence for holistic health

  • Helping the addict in recovery develop empathy for their wounded partners

  • Assisting betrayed partners or spouses in reducing trauma responses while validating their pain

  • Helping betrayed partners increase distress tolerance and lower reactivity

  • Supporting betrayed partners in understanding how to implement boundaries and consequences skillfully

  • Assisting the couple to effectively reconnect through mindful compassion with specific methods

  • Educating couples on a mindful practice of focused safety methods during the repair stage

While cognitive behavioral therapies provide a helpful roadmap at the start of the healing process, the CBT task model is simply not enough for long term healing, relapse prevention, and trauma recovery. The National Institute of Drug Abuse indicates that nearly 40-60% of people in addiction recovery experience relapse. After decades of CBT being the go to method, we now understand that the task methodology on its own is not enough to support long term recovery for those individuals who struggle with a variety of addictions, as well as the loved ones who have been deeply wounded and traumatized.

The Mindfulness Academy for Addiction & Trauma Training provides the following two training tracks:

Track 1: The Mindfulness Based Addiction & Trauma Therapist Certification (MBATT) -
This training track is for licensed and pre-licensed clinical therapists. If you are a clinical therapist, you can learn more about this training track here.

Track 2: The Mindfulness Based Recovery Coach (MBRC) - This training track is for certified coaches. If you are a certified coach, you can learn more about this training track here.

Each training track is organized into three levels of researched based education designed to teach addiction and trauma professionals mindfulness based materials, tools, and practices in order to help clients struggling with problematic sexual behaviors, pornography addiction, multiple addictions, betrayal trauma, and complex trauma. Please visit the MBATT training page for therapists here , or the MBRC training page for coaches here, for specific information per training level.


Learn what others have to say about TMAATT’s training here 

If you have questions about the MBATT or MBRC Certification training,

please reach out to, we are happy to be of support.


Certified Mindfulness Based Addiction & Trauma Therapists (MBATT), and Certified Mindfulness Based Recovery Coaches (MBRC), will gain advanced training via a three level, researched-based program in the MBATT/MBRC modality. You will learn specific assessments, materials, tools, techniques and applications to support the clients you work with who are struggling with problematic sexual behaviors, including sex and porn addiction. This training will help you learn specific interventions to help clients gain long term addiction and trauma recovery and reduce relapse.

Additionally, the training covers complex trauma and betrayal trauma for partners and spouses of clients who are dealing with hyper-sexual behavior and other compulsive behaviors. You will learn specific mindfulness based training tools to support the betrayed significant other or family member.


  •  Training in the TMAATT Mindfulness Modalities

  • Comprehensive researched-based education

  • Continuing Education Units for your required CEU’s including law and ethics (for MBATTs)

  • Convenient online small class settings and web based training

  • Connection to a community of global leaders in the treatment of addiction and compulsive behaviors

  • Discounts on all publications from Sano Press

  • Access to publishing services through Sano Press (writing support, design, editing, and publishing)

  • Discounts on business coaching support with The Counselor’s Coach to assist with the growth of your practice, or to support launching your group, workshop, webinar, or retreat.



“This training enhanced the skills clinicians need to create a safer place for their clients to do the trauma work.”


“Level One was an incredibly valuable experience both professionally and personally. Darrin and Mari are first-rate instructors who balanced didactic and experiential teaching styles expertly. Highly recommend this training for any and all MHP’s!




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